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Update 8


Name: Ebe Endocott
Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Homeworld: Triffis
Species: Triffian
Bio: Ebe Endocott won three Pod Racing tournaments on the misty planet of Malastare, which gave him the bragging rights of being one of the best Pod Racers in the galaxy. He spent his winnings on a new Corellian freighter that would carry both him and his Dash-8 rig to races in style. Ebe Endocott swore that Sebulba's winning days were over, and was very pleased that Sebulba lost the Boonta Eve Classic, even though Ebe Endocott came in fourth.

Name: Magaloof
Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Homeworld: Almak
Species: Leffingite
Bio: Magaloof was determined to become big in Coruscant's underworld Crime Syndicate. He took many oddjobs from various employers such as Hat Lo and Achk Med-Beq. While working for Achk Med-Beq, he was assigned to steal flame gems from a Coco Town jewelry store. Magaloof made it out of the store, but he was stopped by a Republic Security Officer by the name of Lietuenant Dannl Faytonni. Faytonni confiscated the gems and let Magaloof off with a warning. When Magaloof went to Achk Med-Beq what had happened, Med-Beq was gone and Magaloof was arrested. When Magaloof tried to explain to the authorities that the gems had already been confiscated, he was told that there was no person by the name of Faytonni working for the Republic. Having been double-crossed by Med-Beq, Magaloof spent three years in a Moderate Security Ward of the Coco Penitentiary. While doing his time, he decided that the criminal life wasn't for him. When he was released, he returned to his home planet and started a new life.

Name: Sly Moore
Movie: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Homeworld: Umbara
Species: Umbaran
Bio: Sly Moore was rumored to have eliminated Sei Taria from public office. Coming from the from the planet Umbara, deep in the Ghost Nebula, Sly Moore has the reputation for being able to control the minds of others. Out of all the aides that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had, Sly Moore was said to be the closet to him.

Name: Hem Dazon
Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope
Homeworld: Cona
Species: Arcona
Bio: Hem Dazon is a male scout from the planet Cona. Like many from his speices, Hem Dazon is addicted to salt, as shown by his golden eye color.

Name: Ugolste
Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Homeworld: Gentes
Species: Ugnaught
Bio: Ugolste was the chieftain of the Ugnaughts on Bespin's Cloud City.

Name: J'Quille
Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Hoemworld: Toola
Species: Whiphid
Bio: J'Quille was the former lover of Crime Boss Lady Valarian. He plotted an escape attempt for Malkili, the Rancor Keeper, and his pet Rancor. However, the plot failed horribly. After the death of Jabba The Hutt, J'Quille learned that Lady Valarian threatened to put a bounty on him if he ever left the planet of Tatooine. Unable to deal with the heat of the desert planet, J'Quille had his brain removed from his body by the B'omarr Monks.



Update 7


Name: Ark "Bumpy" Rooser
Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Homeworld: Sump
Species: Nuknog
Bio: Ark "Bumpy" Roose was one of the 18 Podracers in the Boonta Eve Classic that Anakin Skywalker participated in. He drove a quickly thrown together Podracer. During the third lap, he collided with Dud Bolt and crashed. Ark "Bumpy" Roose survived.


Name: Lama Su
Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Homeworld: Kamino
Species: Kaminoan
Bio: Lama Su is the Prime Minister of the planet Kamino. By request of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, Lama Su constructed a massive Clone Army for the Republic designed from the genes of the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. Lama Su took great pride in his "Clone Army" and claimed that they were "perfect".

Name: Chi Eekway
Movie: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith
Homeworld: Wroona
Species: Wroonian
Bio: During the Clone Wars, Chi Eekway was one of the many loyalists to Chancellor Palpatine. However, she was growing impatient with the Chancellor gaining more power over the Senate. Chi Eekway is rumored to have close ties with Baron Papanoida.


Name: Brangus Glee
Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope
Homeworld: Dor Nameth
Species: Unknown
Bio: Brangus Glee comes from a species of renowned travelers. He frequents many Spaceports and is a compulsive gambler.



Creature: Lobel
Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Homeworld: Dagobah
Bio: Lobel are known to create powerful magnetic field that make the operation of navigation devices impossible to use. Many pilots have also claimed that these magnetic fields cause headache



Name: Sergeant Doallyn
Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Homeworld: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Bio: Sergeant Doallyn was working for Jabba The Hutt due to a large debt that he owed to the vile gangster. Doallyn was assigned to go out into the Jundland Wastes and capture a Krayt Dragon for the Rancor to battle with. Jabba The Hutt always threatened not to give Sergeant Doallyn the Methane Cartridges to his helmet that he needed in order to breathe.



Update 6


Name: Rep Been

Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Homeworld: Naboo

Species: Gungan

Bio: Rep Been is a member of Boss Nass' High Council. When the Droids of the Trade Federation

 invaded Naboo, Rep Been stayed close to Boss Nass and guided him through the troublesome times.



Name: Orn Free Taa

Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Homeworld: Ryloth

Species: Twi'lek

Bio: Orn Free Taa represented the planet of Ryloth during the rule of Chancellor Valorum, as well as ten

years into the rule of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Orn Free Taa was always very opinionated in the Senate and always looked out for the best interests for his homeworld.



Name: Salporin

Movie: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

Homeworld: Kashyyyk

Species: Wookiee

Bio: Salporin fought bravely during the Clone Wars. However, after the rise of the Empire, Salporin was enslaved. When

the Alliance destroyed the Empire, Salporin was freed, and he returned to Kashyyyk to live a normal life. Years later,

when Princess Leia was on the run from Empire Agents, Salporin took her in. But, when Noghri commandos attacked

his home, he was killed defending her.


Name: Momaw Nadon

Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope

Homeworld: Ithor

Species: Ithorian

Bio: On Ithor, Momaw Nadon was a peaceful scholar. However, Momaw Nadon was excommunicated

 from Ithor for revealing agricultural secrets to the Empire in order to save a sacred grove of bafforr trees.

Momaw Nadon ended up on Tatooine. While on Tatooine, Nadon experimented to bring plant growth to the desert planet.

Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Alima, who had been demoted to Lietuenant, was stationed on Tatooine. When the

Millennium Falcon escaped from Docking Bay 94, Nadon told Alima's superior that Alima and his troops were to blame.

Furious, Alima's superior shot Alima three times, killing him. After the Battle of Endor, Momaw Nadon was accepted back to Ithor.



Name: Utris M'Toc

Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Homeworld: Bespin

Species: Humanoid

Bio: Utris M'Toc is the captain of Bespin's Security. He protects the people of Cloud City at all costs.

Because of his loyalties, he never accepts bribes.




Name: Bane Malar

Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Homeworld: Tatooine

Species: Unknown

Bio: Bane Malar is a Bounty Hunter. His species is unknown. Bane Malar is believed to be

telepathic, and he also plots to kill Jabba The Hutt.



Update 5


Name: Teemto Pagalies

Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Homeworld: Moonus Mandel

Species: Veknoid

Bio: During the Boonta Eve Classic, Teemto Pagalies piloted the Podracer with the biggest engines. During the second lap, Teemto Pagalies was shot down by Tusken Raider Snipers. The crash was not fatal.



Name: San Hill

Movie: Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Homeworld: Muunilinst

Species: Muun

Bio: During the Clone Wars, San Hill served on the Seperatist Council representing the InterGalactic Banking Clan. In San Hill's mind, war was good for business. San Hill was killed by Darth Vader.



Name: Tion Medon

Movie: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

Homeworld: Utapau

Species: Utapaun

Bio: Tion Medon is the Port Administrator of Utapau. He informed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi that General Grievous was on the planet, which led to the droid general's defeat.





Name: Kabe

Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope

Homeworld: Chad

Sepcies: Chadra-Fan

Bio: Kabe is the notorious crime partner of the Talz Muftak. Together, they can steal almost anything. Kabe was present in the Mos Eisley Cantina when Luke Skywalker met Han Solo.




Name: 4-LOM

Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Homeworld: Unknown

Species: Droid

Bio: 4-LOM is the only protocol droid in the galaxy that has become a bounty hunter. He answered the call put out by Darth Vader to capture the crew of the Millennium Falcon.





Name: Rappertunie

Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Homeworld: Manpha

Species: Shawda Ubb

Bio: Being the smallest member in the Max Rebo Band, Rappertunie plays a harmonica-like instrument.




Update 4


Name: Dud Bolt

Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Homeworld: Vulpter

Species: Vupteeren

Bio: Dud Bolt was one of the many contestants in the Boonta Eve Podrace on the desert planet of Tatooine. Sebulba, one of the most famous Pod Racers on Tatooine, secretly paid Dud Bolt to “eliminate” any competition that he may have had during the race. Dud Bolt followed through with the deal that he made with Sebulba by taking out Ark “Bumpy” Roose during the third lap.



 Name: Mas Ameeda

Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Homeworld: Champala

Species: Chagrian

Bio: Mas Ameeda has been the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate since the rule of Chancellor Valorum. He always uses his bellowing voice to call for silence and order when the senators get “out of hand”.



 Name: Ponda Baba

Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope

Homeworld: Ando

Species: Aqualish

Bio: Ponda Baba is the side kick of the vile Dr. Evazan. When Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi went into the Mos Eisley Cantina to seek transportation to Alderaan, Ponda Baba picked a fight with the young Skywalker. Obi-Wan immediately jumped in, and sliced off Ponda Baba’s arm.



 Name: Bossk

Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Homewrold: Trandosha

Species: Trandoshan

Bio: Bossk was one of the six bounty hunters called in by Darth Vader to hunt down Han Solo and his Millennium Falcon. Bossk despises Wookiees, which is why he took much interest in the bounty so he could capture and kill Chewbacca.



Name: Salacious Crumb

Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Homeworld: Kowak

Species: Kowakian Monkey-Lizard

Bio: Salacious Crumb is lucky to be alive. He stowed away on one of Jabba The Hutt’s spaceships and began to eat the gangster’s food. When discovered, Jabba tried to eat him. While running for his life, Salacious Crumb spilled food on one of Jabba’s henchmen. This act caused the Hutt to laugh and struck a deal with Salacious Crumb: He had to make Jabba The Hutt laugh at least once a day or he would be put to death. Salacious Crumb would always be seen sitting close to Jabba The Hutt. Salacious Crumb died on Jabba’s Sail Barge when it exploded after Luke Skywalker rescued Han Solo and Chewbacca.


Week 3


Name: Edcel Bar Gane
Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Homeworld: Roona
Species: Unknown
Bio: Edcel Bar Gane represents the planet of Roona in the Galactic Senate. He was one of the many members of the Senate who voted Chancellor Valorum out of power. Edcel Bar Gane is very intolerant of other species.

Name: Coleman Trebor
Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones
Homeworld: Sembla
Species: Vurk
Bio: Coleman Trebor is a male Vurk from the water world of Sembla. He joined the Jedi Council after the death of Jedi Master Yarael Poof. During the rescue attempt on Geonosis, Coleman Trebor was shot and killed by the ruthless bounty hunter, Jango Fett.


Name: Muftak
Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope
Homeworld: Alzoc III
Species: Talz
Bio: Muftak is a male Talz from the planet of Alzoc III. He is the friend and crime partner of the Charda-Fan, Kabe. Muftak was in the Mos Eisley Cantina the day Luke Skywalker met Han Solo.

Name: Zuckuss
Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Homeworld: Gand
Species: Gand
Bio: Zuckuss is a male Gand from the planet Gand. He was one of the five bounty hunters summoned by Darth Vader to find Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon. Zuckuss usually works and cooperates with 4-LOM.

Name: Ree-Yees
Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Homeworld: Kinyen
Species: Gand
Bio: Ree-Yees is a three-eyed male Gand from the planet Kinyen. He is always drunk and gets into constant fights with other members of Jabba The Hutt's court. Ree-Yees is secretly working for The Empire by constructing a thermal detanotor large enough to kill Jabba The Hutt.


Week 2


Ben Quadrinaros
Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Species: Toong
Homeworld: Tund
Bio: Ben Quadrinaros was a rookie podracer who claimed he came from the Tund system.

Ben Quadrinaros competed in the Boonta Eve Classic, but never made it past the starting line.


Name: Po Nudo
Movie: Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Species: Aqualish
Homeworld: Ando
Bio: Po Nudo represented the Aqualish of Ando in the Galactic Senate. However, Po Nudo defected to the

Confederacy of Independent Systems, and was present at the meeting with Count Dooku on Geonosis.

Name: Melas
Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope
Species: Sarkan
Homeworld: Sarka
Bio: Melas was always a trouble maker. He was born short for a Sarkan. Melas was exiled from his

 homeworld of Sarka for being "social". But before his exile, Melas managed to steal

an incredible fortune in smuggled metals and gems.

Name: Wiorkettle
Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Species: Snivvian
Homeworld: Cadomai
Bio: Wiorkettle is a Snivvian who works for Planet Dreams, INC on Cloud City. Wiorkettle

terraforms asteroids to create habitle atmospheres. She is often seen in the company of

her friend and fellow co-worker, Treva Horme.

Name: Yarna d'al' Gargan
Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi
Species: Askajian
Homeworld: Askajia
Bio: Torn from her homeworld of Askajia, seperated from her family, Yarna d'al' Gargan is a

six-breasted Askajian dancer that performs in the the court of Jabba The Hutt as a slave. After the death of Jabba The Hutt,

her only friend named Sergeant Doallyn, helped Yarna d'al' Gargan get off the desert

planet of Tatooine to reunite with her family.


If you have an idea for a future Creature Feature or a question about this one please  contact Ranat by clicking here!

*Sources: Creature Images and Information gathered collectively from and  and on-line and off-line from The Star Wars Encyclopedia and The New Essential Guide to Star Wars Characters.


Week 1


Character Name:
Boles Roor

Movie: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Homeworld: Sneeve

Species: Sneevel


Bio: Boles Roor was famous for being a glimmik singer. However, he had won two consecutive Boonta Eve Classic Podraces in his time. Boles Roor made a bet with fellow podracer Ben Quadrinaros that he would be too scared to enter the Boonta Eve Classic for five million peggats. Roor lost the bet, and ended up in sixth place. However, he made up his losses in a sold-out year long club tour.


Character Name:
Senator Toonbuck Toora

Movie: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Homeworld: Sy Myrth

Species: Unknown

Bio: Toonbuck Toora is a Senator from Sy Myrth. She held office during the rule of Chancellor Valorum, but continued in her duties for ten years in to Palpatine's rule. Toonbuck Toora, however, sided with the Seperatists before the Clone Wars.



Character Name:

Movie: Episode IV: A New Hope

Homeworld: Aralia

Species: Ranat

Bio: Reegesk is a male Ranat theif and scavenger from Aralia. He is willing to steal anything, including trash. He accidentally caused the death of the Jawa Het Nkik when he stole the powerpack to his blaster, which the Jawa tried to use on a group of Imperial Sandtroopers in revenge for his Jawa clan members who were slaughtered by them.

Character Name:
Treva Horme

Movie: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Homeworld: Bespin

Species: Litrullian

Bio: Treva Horme is the primary sales woman for Planet Dreams, Inc. She monitors production schedules and accounting. She is often seen hanging around the Snivvian, Wiorkettle.


Character Name:
Hermi Odle

Movie: Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Homeworld: Unknown

Species: Baragwin

Bio: Hermi Odle worked as a weapons specialist in the employ of Jabba The Hutt. He spent most of his life on Tatooine, and managed to impress Jabba with his crafting skills. Hermi Odle's only nemisis at Jabba's Palace was the Skrilling, Pote Snitkin. Pote Snitkin continuously picked on the Baragwin, and even sabotaged some of Odle's projects. However, Hermi Odle got his revenge during the battle over the Pit of Carkoon, where Luke Skywalker rescued his friends Han Solo and Chewbacca. Odle shot a stun gun at Pote Snitkin, who then fell into the Sarlaac and perished. Hermi Odle survived the battle, but his whereabouts are unknown.