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Week 6: See Threepio (C-3PO)

What more can you say? It's a simple yet very good figure produced in the early days of the vintage line. I love the Star Wars carded example. The gold figure against the blue background, the picture, the text of See-Treepio (C-3PO) in white against blue. It is just an awesome carded figure.

The original C-3PO (much like the original R2-D2) underwent a change about midway throught the ESB line when the new "Removeable Limbs" C-3PO took over throughout the rest of ESB, ROTJ and POTF. The original C-3PO was offered on the following Kenner cardbacks (these are examples known to exist according to Kellerman's book):

SW 12 back A-D
SW 20 back A
SW 21 back C "secret figure" offer
ESB 21 back G "secret figure" offer
ESB 31 back B
ESB 32 back A
ESB 41 back A "survival kit" offer
ESB 41 back B

Pictured is the recent purchase of forum member Rik Biel. This is a 12-back A carded C-3PO. Mine is a 12-back C with Takara sticker from Japan. ESB carded C-3PO from


Which brings me to loose variations and there are a few believe it or not. As I have tried to show in the pictures, the Kenner C-3PO and Takara C-3PO have different head sculpts.

 I dont have a loose Takara so taking pics for comparison was a bit difficult, but I think you can see the difference. The Takara head appears to me to be much more detailed with the eyes, "cheek bones" and details around the side and top of the head are more pronounced. Also, Glasslite (Brazil) produced in the late 80's a C-3PO figure with very dull gold paint job compared to the Kenner release. The dull finish looks in my opinion somewhat similar to the recent Saga Ultra C-3PO with Escape Pod. Glasslite pic from

I am sure there are probably some Palitoy or other variants with different country of origins, etc out there as well. However, as of now I have 4 loose C-3POs and they all have the exact same COO: GMGFI 1977 Hong Kong on their left leg.

Loose C-3PO figures are very prone to having loose joints after a while. Funny because when the figure was removed from the package you had to "break" the joints to get them to move. The joints were so tight that in Kenner actually put on the card in the blue space behind the figure the following (see pic): 

Another typical problem with vintage loose C-3PO figures is the loss of his gold luster and color. 

Loose C-3PO figures can be found quite easily in all types of conditions and price ranges. A good tight C-3PO in C-9+ condition with good color will cost in the $10-$15 price range, and carded examples can run $100 or so for ESB carded or greater than $200+ for SW carded depending on condition, grade, etc. However, deals are always out there and Rik got his 12 back for $149.50 US + shipping!!! A really nice find!

Next week, I will talk a ALOT about Darth Vader. This is my character focus and I have more items and information on Vader than any other vintage figure. 



 Thanks for reading!